Acquainting Agriculture Year A Grade 1-4
Teachers Edition Available for Grade 1-4 The goal for this program, “Planting with Jesus”, is to start a love for growing in little ones’ hearts. We aim to create an opportunity to build a community at your school that supports families in their effort to spend time together outside. Our dream is that every child will take home starters at the end of the year to plant with their families. Those starters would then nurture family relationships and help them as they plug into God and His still small voice. The vision for the “Acquainting Agriculture - Planting with Jesus” program is to connect the students to their Creator through hands-on experience in their gardens. God will be their teacher and the garden will be His classroom. Our prayer is that the students will be able to connect with God and their families in a way they have never done before. The “Acquainting Agriculture” Curriculum is designed to work in multi-grade classrooms. With a two-year rotation and two different leveled workbooks per year, a student can move through the curriculum over the course of four years without repeating the same content over and over. Using the principle of “repeat and enlarge” the curriculum grows with the students. There are a total of 28 lessons per year with 14 lessons per semester. https://www.acquaintingagriculture.org/elementary-school
Category: Children and Youth
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